Sources: BBC
Protestors storm the prime minister's residence and the National Parliament building in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2024-08-5
At least 91 people are killed in violent clashes between anti-government protesters and police units across Bangladesh, as protestors call for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to resign. 2024-08-4
At least 43 people are killed in a building fire in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2024-02-29
Mohibullah, a prominent Rohingya Muslim leader and high-profile advocate for the Rohingya, is killed by a gunman in a refugee camp in southern Bangladesh. 2021-09-29
The Rajya Sabha of India votes 125 to 105 to pass a controversial amendment to the Indian nationality law that would expedite citizenship for religious minorities from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. As the bill omits Muslims, critics say it's discriminatory and violates the secular nature of the Constitution. Massive protests break out in the state of Assam in response. 2019-12-11
Half a million people are evacuated from the Bangladesh coastal area in preparation for the landfall of Cyclone Bulbul. 2019-11-9
The government of Myanmar agrees to repatriate 374 Rohingya refugees from a list of 8,000 submitted by the government of Bangladesh. Myanmar's authorities blamed their Bangladeshi counterparts for the slow process, citing "incomplete" information for many of the refugees on the list. 2018-03-15
Pirates drown 16 fishermen in southern Bangladesh in order to steal their boats. 2013-04-1
2013 Bangladesh protests: In Bangladesh, over 100,000 people join in a mass movement to demand justice for atrocities committed during the Bangladesh Liberation War. 2013-02-8
Police fire rubber bullets to disperse rioting garment workers as protests spread beyond the capital Dhaka to other Bangladeshi cities. 2010-07-31