Sources: The Guardian
Meta deletes Al Jazeera Arabic presenter Tamer Almisshal's Facebook profile a day after a programme aired an investigation into Meta’s censorship of Palestinian content. 2023-09-10
Iraqi authorities ban Qatar-based satellite television network Al Jazeera from broadcasting in the country and closes its offices in Baghdad, accusing it of violating government guidelines issued in 2014 to regulate media “during the war on terror". 2016-04-27
The management of Twentieth Century Fox considers granting permission to a group of investors, including some hedge funds, seeking to amend the company's charter and turn their type of voting shares of stock into non-voting shares, a conversion that might raise that type of shares' market price and that also would further concentrate control in the hands of Rupert Murdoch and his family. 2015-02-7
Egypt deports Australian journalist Peter Greste after being jailed with two al-Jazeera colleagues Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed 400 days before. 2015-02-1
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown tells the Leveson Inquiry into press standards that he did not declare war on Rupert Murdoch after the Labour Party lost the support of "The Sun" newspaper in 2009. 2012-06-11
David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, makes a statement to the House of Commons in relation to the judicial inquiry into the "News of the World" phone hacking affair, hours before the announcement that Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation had withdrawn its bid to take full ownership of BSkyB. 2011-07-13
Al Jazeera captures "western troops on the ground" in Libya, the first time this has been confirmed. 2011-05-30
Al Jazeera claims to have video that shows a Libyan Army officer being executed for refusing to fire on opposition positions west of the capital Tripoli. 2011-03-8
Mohammed al-Beltagi, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood, tells Al Jazeera that the movement has no ambitions to run for the Egyptian presidency. 2011-02-4
Two Al Jazeera journalists are attacked on their way from the airport to central Cairo. 2011-02-3