Sources: The Guardian
Reuters photojournalists Issam Abdallah killed, Christina Assi critically injured and five journalist of AFP and Al Jazeera injured by two IDF tank shells when documenting an IDF outpost in southern Lebanon.2023-10-13
The Cypriot Interior and Finance Ministries announce they will abolish the country's "citizenship through investment" program by November 1, after Al Jazeera released a video yesterday showing that several senior officials, such as parliament president Demetris Syllouris and fellow MP Christakis Giovanis, were willing to help criminals obtain passports through the program. Attorney General George Savvidis also announced that he will launch a criminal inquiry into the officials involved. 2020-10-13
James Murdoch, the younger son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, resigns from the board of News Corporation citing "disagreements over editorial content ... (and) some strategic decisions." News Corp owns media in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. 2020-07-31
"The New Yorker" reports that Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch prevented the release of a story about hush money which Donald Trump paid to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election because Murdoch wanted Trump to win the election. 2019-03-4
The management of Twentieth Century Fox considers granting permission to a group of investors, including some hedge funds, seeking to amend the company's charter and turn their type of voting shares of stock into non-voting shares, a conversion that might raise that type of shares' market price and that also would further concentrate control in the hands of Rupert Murdoch and his family. 2015-02-7
Egypt deports Australian journalist Peter Greste after being jailed with two al-Jazeera colleagues Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed 400 days before. 2015-02-1
An Egyptian court sentences three al-Jazeera journalists Peter Greste, Mohammed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, accused of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, to seven years in jail. 2014-06-23
News Corporation Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch and his son James Murdoch appear before a select committee of the United Kingdom parliament over the "News of the World" phone hacking affair. Murdoch Senior apologises for the scandal, but says he is not responsible for it. 2011-07-19
Al Jazeera demands that Syria provide information on Dorothy Parvaz, a journalist missing since her arrival in Damascus on Friday. 2011-05-2
Al Jazeera claims to have video that shows a Libyan Army officer being executed for refusing to fire on opposition positions west of the capital Tripoli. 2011-03-8