Sources: BBC
Russia bans 81 media outlets from access inside the country, including Agence France-Presse and Politico, in retaliation for a European Union ban on Russian media outlets. 2024-06-25
The Russian Foreign Ministry expels 85 diplomats from France, Spain, and Italy in response to the expulsions of Russian diplomats from European Union nations. 2022-05-18
Nigeria receives two million doses of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine donated by the European Union. 2022-02-7
The European Union vows to help Ukraine with its gas supplies as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky underlines his concerns of potential Russian political leverage in the region in the aftermath of the agreement with Germany regarding the Nord Stream pipeline. 2021-10-12
French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian threatens to step up pressure against Lebanese politicians he accuses of committing "collective suicide" by failing to pull the country out of its economic meltdown. During his visit to Beirut, Le Drian said that punitive actions could be taken by France and the European Union. 2021-05-7
Spain evacuates its troops from Mali after several soldiers become infected with COVID-19. The troops were part of the European Union's EUTM Mali training mission. 2020-04-15
Following diplomatic mediation by the European Union and the United States, minority Serbs tear down a concrete wall in Mitrovica. The city's majority Albanians regarded the wall as a provocation. 2017-02-5
Iran, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, People's Republic of China, Germany, and the European Union (the P5+1) reach a breakthrough agreement on the general framework for an agreement on Iran's nuclear program, but sign no verbal agreement or official document. The deadline for a full deal is June 30, 2015. 2015-04-2
The Prime Minister of Canada and the European Union tentatively sign a free trade and copyright agreement. 2013-10-18
Official European Union figures shows that unemployment in the eurozone hit a record high of 12.0% in February 2013. 2013-04-2