


Tens of thousands of workers across Europe protest against austerity measures being taken by their governments. [https:--www.bbc.co.uk-news-world-europe-11432579 (BBC)] [http:--english.aljazeera.net-news-europe-2010-09-2010929114043842969.html (Al Jazeera)], [http:--www.guardian.co.uk-business-2010-sep-29-europe-austerity-protests ("The Guardian")]Rallies take place in Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Ireland and France. [http:--edition.cnn.com-2010-WORLD-europe-09-29-europe.strikes-?hpt=Sbin (CNN)]A concrete mixer is crashed into the gates of Ireland's national parliament by a man protesting against the cost of bailing out Anglo Irish Bank. [http:--www.irishtimes.com-newspaper-breaking-2010-0929-breaking10.html?via=rel ("The Irish Times")] [http:--news.ph.msn.com-business-article.aspx?cp-documentid=4366433 (AFP)]date=April 2020 [http:--www.guardian.co.uk-business-2010-sep-29-anglo-irish-bank-bailout-cost ("The Guardian")]Spanish workers stage the country's first general strike since 2002. Transport operates at below normal levels, TV and newspapers are reduced and picketers deliver pamphlets to offices in Madrid explaining their position. [http:--www.thenewstribune.com-2010-09-29-1360855-general-strike-starts-in-spain.html ("The News Tribune")]date=August 2019 Thousands of people converge outside government headquarters in Warsaw under the slogan "No to cuts, yes to development". [http:--news.smh.com.au-breaking-news-world-workers-swarm-europes-streets-in-anticuts-protests-20100930-15xnn.html ("The Sydney Morning Herald")]An estimated 100,000 people march on Brussels as part of a Europe-wide strike call given by the European Trade Union Confederation. [http:--www.thehindu.com-news-international-article803003.ece ("The Hindu")] [http:--news.xinhuanet.com-english2010-world-2010-09-30-c_13536202.htm (Xinhua)]A strike by air traffic controllers in Brussels and the general strike in Spain impacts flights by airlines such as Etihad Airways, easyJet and Ryanair. [http:--gulfnews.com-business-aviation-etihad-delays-flight-to-brussels-1.689198 ("Gulf News")]Spanish workers stage the country's first general strike since 2002. Transport operates at below normal levels, TV and newspapers are reduced and picketers deliver pamphlets to offices in Madrid explaining their position. [http:--www.thenewstribune.com-2010-09-29-1360855-general-strike-starts-in-spain.html ("The News Tribune")]date=August 2019


  1. Tens of thousands of workers across Europe protest against austerity measures being taken by their governments.
  2. Tens of thousands of workers across Europe protest against austerity measures being taken by their governments. [https:--www.bbc.co.uk-news-world-europe-11432579 (BBC)] [http:--english.aljazeera.net-news-europe-2010-09-2010929114043842969.html (Al Jazeera)], [http:--www.guardian.co.uk-business-2010-sep-29-europe-austerity-protests ("The Guardian")]Rallies take place in Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Ireland and France. [http:--edition.cnn.com-2010-WORLD-europe-09-29-europe.strikes-?hpt=Sbin (CNN)]A concrete mixer is crashed into the gates of Ireland's national parliament by a man protesting against the cost of bailing out Anglo Irish Bank. [http:--www.irishtimes.com-newspaper-breaking-2010-0929-breaking10.html?via=rel ("The Irish Times")] [http:--news.ph.msn.com-business-article.aspx?cp-documentid=4366433 (AFP)]date=April 2020 [http:--www.guardian.co.uk-business-2010-sep-29-anglo-irish-bank-bailout-cost ("The Guardian")]Spanish workers stage the country's first general strike since 2002. Transport operates at below normal levels, TV and newspapers are reduced and picketers deliver pamphlets to offices in Madrid explaining their position. [http:--www.thenewstribune.com-2010-09-29-1360855-general-strike-starts-in-spain.html ("The News Tribune")]date=August 2019 Thousands of people converge outside government headquarters in Warsaw under the slogan "No to cuts, yes to development". [http:--news.smh.com.au-breaking-news-world-workers-swarm-europes-streets-in-anticuts-protests-20100930-15xnn.html ("The Sydney Morning Herald")]An estimated 100,000 people march on Brussels as part of a Europe-wide strike call given by the European Trade Union Confederation. [http:--www.thehindu.com-news-international-article803003.ece ("The Hindu")] [http:--news.xinhuanet.com-english2010-world-2010-09-30-c_13536202.htm (Xinhua)]A strike by air traffic controllers in Brussels and the general strike in Spain impacts flights by airlines such as Etihad Airways, easyJet and Ryanair. [http:--gulfnews.com-business-aviation-etihad-delays-flight-to-brussels-1.689198 ("Gulf News")]Spanish workers stage the country's first general strike since 2002. Transport operates at below normal levels, TV and newspapers are reduced and picketers deliver pamphlets to offices in Madrid explaining their position. [http:--www.thenewstribune.com-2010-09-29-1360855-general-strike-starts-in-spain.html ("The News Tribune")]date=August 2019
