

European Stability Mechanism

European Council [https:--web.archive.org-web-20110318104425-http:--www.european-council.europa.eu-council-meetings.aspx?lang=EN Summit] (24-25 March 2011) [http:--www.consilium.europa.eu-App-NewsRoom-loadDocument.aspx?id=1823&lang=English&directory=en-ec-&fileName=120184.pdf (Invitation letter by President Van Rompuy to the European Council -PDF-)], completion [http:--www.consilium.europa.eu-uedocs-cms_Data-docs-pressdata-en-ec-120296.pdf (Summit Conclusions -PDF-)] focusing on 1) its economic policy under the pressure of the Portugal crisis [https:--www.reuters.com-article-2011-03-26-us-eu-summit-idUSTRE72M8XF20110326?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews (Reuters)], 2) On the finalisation of the ESM (European Stability Mechanism) and the adoption of the Euro Plus Pact, 3) On the developments on its southern neighbourhood under the light of the 2011 Libyan civil war and the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 and 4) On possible assistance to Japan, and the necessary steps to review the safety of both European and neighbouring nuclear facilities.
