Sources: BBC
The Biden administration announces that the U.S. will join the European Union in imposing sanctions on Putin. 2022-02-25
Malta legalizes the personal use and limited cultivation of cannabis, becoming the first country in the European Union to do so. 2021-12-15
Malta reimposes one of the EU's strictest mask mandates that requires people to wear masks outdoors, with fines of €50 to €100 for failure to comply. 2021-12-11
Malta has vaccinated 70% of its adult population with at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot, thereby becoming the first country in the European Union to achieve this herd immunity-related milestone. 2021-05-24
French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian says that, under current conditions, the European Union would not grant the United Kingdom an extension beyond October 31 to negotiate its exit from the Union. 2019-09-8
Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says that migrant rescue ship MV "Lifeline", stranded in international waters with over 200 rescued people on board for five days, has been granted permission to dock on the island and will do so later today. Muscat says that those on board will be split among Malta and seven other European Union nations. 2018-06-27
Twenty-three European Union countries sign a defence integration pact known as the Permanent Structured Cooperation. NATO members Denmark, Portugal and the United Kingdom (withdrawal from EU underway), and non-NATO members Malta and Ireland, opt out. 2017-11-13
Moody's Investors Service downgrades the credit ratings of several European Union members including Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain and issues a negative outlook for the ratings of Austria, France and the United Kingdom. 2012-02-13
Robert Zoellick, the President of the World Bank, claims that the world economy has entered the "danger zone", with the United States, European Union and Japan having to make tough decisions. 2011-09-14
Former President of the United Nations General Assembly and President of Malta Guido de Marco, who led his country into the European Union, dies suddenly after having apparently recovered from surgery, shocking the nation of Malta. 2010-08-12