Sources: Business Insider
Bangladeshi bank officials say unknown hackers installed malware in the bank's computer systems in last month's attempt to steal nearly $1 billion from the central bank's account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 2016-03-11
Australia's ABC News claims that the People's Republic of China hacked plans for the headquarters of the country's spy agency ASIO. 2013-05-28
"The New York Times" publishes allegations that a Chinese People's Liberation Army unit called PLA Unit 61398 may be the source of hacking attacks on the West. 2013-02-19
The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrests suspected members of the computer hacking groups LulzSec and Anonymous in the US cities of Phoenix, Arizona and San Francisco. 2011-09-22
Japanese electronics company Sony reduces sales and profit forecasts due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, a computer hacking attack and slowing demand in the US and Europe. 2011-07-28
The TechCrunch web publication reports that the Anonymous computer hacking group has declared war on the U.S. city of Orlando, Florida, in supposed retaliation for the arrest of members of Food Not Bombs. 2011-06-28
The so-called "LulzSec" hackers have reportedly disbanded after a final data dump including information from AOL Inc. and AT&T. 2011-06-26
Hacker group LulzSec releases material belonging to the Department of Public Safety in the US state of Arizona in response to immigration law SB 1070. 2011-06-23
The "Financial Times" reports that computer hackers may have gained access to details of Citigroup bank card customer details. 2011-06-9
The "People's Daily", a Chinese stated-owned newspaper, accuses Internet search engine giant Google of becoming a "political tool" after it claimed that computer hacking aimed at it came from China. 2011-06-6