Sources: Reuters
The United Nations formally recognizes the new official name of "Türkiye" following an official request from Turkey to change its name. Turkish state broadcaster TRT says that the name change is primarily to avoid association with the bird of the same name. 2022-06-2
The United Nations reports that a ceasefire has been agreed upon by non-governmental militias fighting in Tripoli. 2018-09-4
An oil tanker, sent from Eastern Libya by a rival to the internationally recognized Government of National Accord, returns with its cargo to the refinery at Zawiya in western Libya. The United Nations blacklisted the shipment on Wednesday. 2016-05-1
In response to the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord's plea, the United Nations Security Council blacklists the tanker shipping crude oil by the unrecognized rival House of Representatives government in eastern Libya. 2016-04-28
The unrecognized House of Representatives, one of the rival governments based in eastern Libya, ships its first cargo of crude oil in defiance of the U.N.-backed authorities in the capital Tripoli in a move that could deepen divisions within the country. The Tripoli-based government asked the United Nations Security Council yesterday to blacklist the tanker. 2016-04-27
Delegates from Libya's warring factions sign a U.N.-brokered agreement to form a national unity government. Some of Libya's armed brigades are closely allied with political leaders who oppose this agreement. 2015-12-17
The United Nations withdraws all of its international staff from the capital Tripoli. 2011-05-2
The United Nations is withdrawing all its international staff from Tripoli after "angry" crowds protest outside US, UK and Italian embassies against NATO airstrikes. 2011-05-1
Muammar Gaddafi calls on the United Nations or African Union to investigate the uprising. 2011-03-6
Israeli courts charge two Israeli soldiers for allegedly using a 9-year-old Palestinian as a human shield (considered a war crime) in Tel Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza in January 2009 after the United Nations intervenes. [ ("The Jerusalem Post")] [ ("Ha'aretz")] [ (BBC)] [ (France24)]date=August 2019 [ ("The New Zealand Herald")]date=August 2019 2010-03-12