Sources: Reuters Xinhua
Villagers rebelling in village of Wukan in southern China, say they will hold talks with the government and demand concessions in return for calling off a march. 2011-12-20
Year-over-year GDP growth in the People's Republic of China slows to 9.1% for the third quarter of 2011, following government efforts to curb inflation. 2011-10-18
Chinese truck drivers stage a second day of protests in Shanghai at rising inflation. 2011-04-21
China raises its bank reserves requirements as an anti-inflation move, an increase of 50 basis points (half of a percent) effective April 21. 2011-04-17
South Korea agrees to hold talks with North Korea about a potential eruption of Baekdu Mountain near the North's border with the People's Republic of China. 2011-03-22
Inflation in the People's Republic of China increases to 4.9 per cent. 2011-02-15
China announces it has broken up what it describes as a terrorist ring in Xinjiang in the west of the country. 2010-06-24
The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China rejects Tengzhong's bid to purchase Hummer from General Motors. 2010-02-24
Switzerland agrees to accept two Chinese Muslim Uyghurs from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. 2010-02-4