Sources: Ha'aretz
A man is injured during a stabbing attack in Haifa, Israel. Police say that the stabbing was likely motivated by political reasons. 2022-04-15
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis asks Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă to resign. Iohannis says Dăncilă did not consult him before endorsing a plan to move Romania's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. 2018-04-27
Israel and Jordan agree to take steps to quell violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem which includes round-the-clock monitoring of new security cameras there. Israel reaffirms Jordan's historic role as formal custodian of what is known to Jews as the Temple Mount and as Haram al-Sharif to Muslims. Yesterday, Israeli authorities lifted restrictions that had banned men aged under 40 from praying at al-Aqsa. 2015-10-24
Admiral James Winnefeld, Vice Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, is in Israel. The Pentagon recently has scaled down a joint military exercise, planned for October. The drill should help blend both countries' missile defense capabilities. 2012-09-6
An Israeli military court demotes two Givati Brigade staff sergeants to sergeant after convicting them of forcing a nine-year-old Palestinian boy to open two bags thought to contain explosives. 2010-11-21
Ovadia Yosef, a senior rabbi from Shas, a party within Israel's coalition government, calls for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to "vanish from our world". The United States condemns the remarks as "deeply offensive". 2010-08-30
The United Nations issues a report stating that Israel restricts with live ammunition access to land used for farming and fishing by Palestinians, causing a loss of livelihood for tens of thousands of Palestinians. 2010-08-19
The Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) executive committee announces that America's George J. Mitchell informed President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas that the United States had given preliminary approval to the idea of the Quartet on the Middle East having peace talks with Israel. 2010-08-11
Philip Gordon, the Obama administration's top diplomat on European affairs warns Turkey that it must demonstrate its commitment to NATO, Europe and the United States after its opposition to sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program and rhetoric against Israel after the Gaza flotilla raid. 2010-06-28
An Israeli parliamentary lobby group submits a bill, supported by 25 politicians, proposing that boycotts of Israel be outlawed. 2010-06-11