Sources: Reuters
The United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declares the 2015 nuclear accord with Iran as no longer in force. He also warns that the United States "is prepared to use our domestic authorities to impose consequences" for other countries that do not enforce the sanctions. Britain, France, Germany, China, and Russia oppose the snapback sanctions. 2020-09-19
France reports 2,846 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, as well as more than 12,300 new cases this week, making it the highest number of cases since the lockdown was eased in May. 2020-08-14
France orders an official investigation into the crash of AirAsia Flight 8501 which had a French copilot flying the aircraft at the time of its crash. 2015-01-31
A group of U.S. lawmakers files a lawsuit against President Barack Obama over U.S. military operations in Libya. 2011-06-15
France and Italy are to send military officers to Libya to train rebels. 2011-04-20
France recognizes the National Transitional Council as the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people. 2011-03-10
The Gaddafi regime blocks foreign journalists in a Tripoli hotel to stop them from reporting on the conflict supposedly for their safety. 2011-03-4
The United Nations Security Council, after the defected Libyan Ambassador to the UN Abdel Rahman Mohamed Shalgam's appeal to act against Muammar Gaddafi's regime escalating violence, being used to crackdown the 2011 Libyan civil war, and following propositions by France, Germany, United Kingdom and the United States, adopts resolution 1970, [ (UN press release on UNSC resolution 1970)] [ (BBC)] [ (BBC)] [ (UN Multimedia)]. "All necessary means" enforcement of said resolution, and imposition of a "No-fly zone" over Libya are rejected. These measures will be however included on UNSC resolution 1973 of 17 March 2011.2011-02-26
Nations including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, the People's Republic of China, Russia, Italy and Greece evacuate their citizens from Libya. 2011-02-23
Abdul Fatah Younis, the Libyan Interior Minister and general in the Libyan Army, defects. 2011-02-22