Sources: NK News
North Korea launches a military satellite from the Sohae Satellite Launching Station. The launch fails due "to an error in the emergency blasting system during the third-stage flight", according to state media, with the satellite likely crashing into the Pacific Ocean after passing over Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. 2023-08-23
North Korea launches a ballistic missile towards northern Japan, prompting evacuation orders in Hokkaido, before the missile falls into the sea. 2023-04-13
North Korea demonstrates two short-range ballistic missiles that land just outside Japan's territorial waters and then only hours later South Korea demonstrates a submarine-launched ballistic missile. Comments made during the South Korean launch immediately draw condemning remarks from North Korea's Kim Yo-jong. 2021-09-14
North Korea fires two short-range projectiles from the coast of Wonsan before landing in the sea dividing the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Japan's Defence Ministry says it had not detected any projectile landing in its territory and that no ship or aircraft in the area had been damaged. 2020-03-2
Japan opens its first military arms show, as it tries to improve its military technology to combat external threats from China and North Korea. 2019-11-18
South Korean President Moon Jae-in announces plans to create a Northeast Asian railroad community with North Korea, the United States, China, Japan, Russia, and Mongolia. 2018-08-15
North Korea launches two ballistic missiles, one of which explodes immediately after its launch while the main part of the other lands in Japan's economic exclusion zone. 2016-08-3
The government of Japan lifts some sanctions on North Korea following an agreement to re-investigate the fate of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korean agents in the 1970s and 1980s. 2014-07-3
South Korean sources say a North Korean medium range missile has been moved to the eastern coast and that it may be ready for testing or for attacking Japan or Guam. 2013-04-4
Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, meets with the President of the United States Barack Obama at the White House to discuss trade, economic, and security issues including North Korea and the Senkaku Islands dispute with China. 2013-02-22