Sources: BBC
The painting "Head of an Old Farmer's Wife in a White Hat" by Vincent van Gogh is sold at auction for more than €4.5 million. 2024-03-10
New Zealand signs a free trade agreement with the European Union, which is expected to increase EU exports to the South Pacific nation by €4.5 billion a year. 2023-07-9
The Bundestag votes 400–41, with 200 abstentions, to approve raising the minimum wage in Germany to €12 ($12.90) an hour. 2022-06-5
A German couple is jailed for twelve years each for selling the woman's son to a Spanish pedophile on the dark web, who repeatedly abused him. The couple themselves previously abused the boy and a three-year-old girl, whom they are ordered to pay €42,500 in compensation. The Spaniard is sentenced to ten years. 2018-08-7
The European Commission proposes to double funding for the Erasmus Programme. If adopted, the 2021–2027 budget for the student exchange programme would be €30 billion. 2018-05-30
A million dollars worth of jewelry meant for use by celebrities at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival is stolen from a Novotel hotel room in Cannes. 2013-05-17
The Cannes Film Festival board of directors announce that Steven Spielberg will head the 2013 Cannes Film Festival jury. 2013-02-28
China Three Gorges Corp. wins a bid for its 21% stake in EDP-Energias de Portugal SA with an offer of €2.69 billion ($3.51 billion), in the first of a series of sales of state-owned assets under Portugal's austerity program. This is the first time a mainland Chinese firm has acquired a significant stake in a southern European company. 2011-12-23
The 2011 G-20 summit gets underway in the French city of Cannes, with discussions expected to focus on the continuing Eurozone debt crisis. 2011-11-3
Hundreds of people protest in Cannes over "Hors-la-loi", a Rachid Bouchareb directed film about Algeria's struggle for independence against France. 2010-05-21