Sources: Washington Post
Two people, including a police officer, are killed and seven other people are injured in a mass shooting at the UPMC Memorial Hospital in West Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania, United States. 2025-02-22
President-elect Donald Trump is declared as the winner in Michigan, causing his electoral college vote to rise to 306. Hillary Clinton's margin in the popular vote rises to over two million. 2016-11-28
Jill Stein's campaign to hold recounts in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin receives grassroots support, having crowdfunded millions of dollars through private donations. 2016-11-25
Former Presidential Green Party candidate Jill Stein is seeking donations for recount efforts in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. 2016-11-24
Voters in the state of West Virginia head to the polls to vote in the Democratic and Republican presidential primaries. Voters in the state of Nebraska vote in the Republican presidential primary with Donald Trump just 169 delegates short of securing the nomination. 2016-05-10
Voters in the U.S. states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island head to the polls to vote in Democratic and Republican presidential primaries. 2016-04-26
Bernie Sanders concedes the Missouri primary to Hillary Clinton, who led by 1,531 votes, 0.2 percent of those counted. Sanders says he will not ask for a recount, an option he had because the result is under the state's requirement, 0.5 percent — one-half of one percent. The Republican contest is too close to call as Donald Trump leads Ted Cruz by a similar 0.2 percent. 2016-03-17
Rick Santorum announces he will be seeking the nomination of the Republican Party in the 2016 United States presidential election. 2015-05-27
Pittsburgh police arrest Ryan Williams for the October 18, 2014 McKeesport, Pennsylvania arson attack and charge him with arson, burglary, and six counts of criminal homicide. The victims include four children ages 2 through 7. 2015-01-16
Michael Conahan, a former judge in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, pleas guilty to racketeering conspiracy by assisting in the jailing of juvenile defendants in return for bribes. 2010-07-23