The United States announces new restrictions on American travel to Cuba. Effective Wednesday, travel via cruise ships or other conveyances, including private yachts or airplanes, is prohibited. Group travel under the previous "people-to-people educational" provision is also not allowed. 2019-06-4
The United States permanently downgrades their embassy in Havana, making its status 'unaccompanied', meaning a post at which no family members are permitted to reside. The status change comes after alleged health attacks. 2018-03-2
U.S. Senator Jeff Flake tells Cuban officials there is "no evidence" of a suspected sonic attack on U.S. diplomats at the U.S. embassy in Havana. 2018-01-6
President Barack Obama announces the end of the wet feet, dry feet policy, which previously allowed undocumented immigrants from Cuba to become permanent residents. 2017-01-12
U.S. President Barack Obama and the First Family begin their three-day visit to Havana, Cuba, to mark the end of 54 years of tensions in Cuba–United States relations. Obama is the first sitting U.S. president to visit the country since Calvin Coolidge in 1928. 2016-03-20
The United States and Cuba sign an agreement restoring commercial air traffic between the two countries for the first time in 50 years. The U.S. Department of Transportation immediately opened bidding for as many as 110 U.S.-Cuba flights per day to Havana and nine other destinations. Travel from the U.S. is permitted in 12 authorized categories, which does not include tourism. 2016-02-16
U.S. and Cuban officials sign an environmental accord in Havana, the first such agreement since the countries renewed diplomatic relations this summer. 2015-11-18
The United States and Cuba resume full diplomatic relations after five decades. 2015-07-20
Cuba starts releasing political prisoners as part of an historic agreement with the United States announced last month. 2015-01-6