

Libyan Civil War

Nearly 40 Syrian mercenaries recruited by the Turkish Army have fled to Italy, raising the number of Syrian fighters who fled from Libya to Europe to nearly 200.

Sources:  SOHR


  1. 40 Syrian fighters recruited by the Turkish Army have fled to Turkey rising the number of Syrian fighters who fled from Libya to Europe to nearly 200. Other 117 Syrian Turkish backed fighters have been killed in Lybia.
  2. Nearly 40 Syrian fighters recruited by the Turkish Army have fled to Italy, raising the number of Syrian fighters who fled from Libya to Europe to nearly 200.
  3. Nearly 40 Syrian fighters recruited by the Turkish Army have fled to Italy, raising the number of Syrian fighters who fled from Libya to Europe to nearly 200.
  4. Nearly 40 Syrian mercenaries recruited by the Turkish Army have fled to Italy, raising the number of Syrian fighters who fled from Libya to Europe to nearly 200.
