A CanadianCH-148 Cyclone helicopter vanishes while flying over the Ionian Sea during a NATO mission. One body is recovered, while the five other persons on board remain missing.
A Canadian CH-148 Cyclone helicopter, that was flying a NATO mission over the Ionian Sea, is missing. Reports from Greece indicate there were between three and six people on board.
A Canadian CH-148 Cyclone helicopter goesmissingwhileflying over the Ionian Sea duringaNATOmission. Reports from Greece indicate there were between three and six people on board.
A Canadian CH-148 Cyclone helicopter goes missing while flying over the Ionian Sea during a NATO mission. Abodyis recovered,while five othersare confirmed tobe missing.
A Canadian CH-148 Cyclone helicopter vanishes while flying over the Ionian Sea during a NATO mission. One body is recovered, while thefive other persons on boardremain missing.