The court rules in "Trump v. Vance" that prosecutors in New York can seek President Donald Trump's financial records in a major case on the scope and limits of presidential power, but also ruled in "Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP" that lower courts had not properly assessed the separation of powers between Congress and the President when the House of Representatives attempted to similarly subpoena his tax returns.
The court rules that prosecutors in New York can seek President Trump's financial records in a major case on the scope and limits of presidential power.
The court rules in"Trumpv.Vance"that prosecutors in New York can seek President DonaldTrump's financial records in a major case on the scope and limits of presidential power,butalsoruledin"Trumpv.MazarsUSA,LLP"thatlowercourtshadnotproperlyassessedtheseparationofpowersbetweenCongressandthePresidentwhentheHouseofRepresentativesattemptedtosimilarlysubpoenahistaxreturns.