


Google shuts down 2,500 channels on its video sharing platform YouTube that were linked to Chinese disinformation. The channels generally posted "spammy, non-political content", but a small subset touched on politics, the company said.

Sources:  Reuters


  1. Google shuts down 2,500 channels on its video sharing platform YouTube, that were linked to a Chinese disinformation campaign.
  2. Google shuts down 2,500 channels on its video sharing platform YouTube, that were linked to Chinese disinformation. The channels generally posted spammy, non-political content, but a small subset touched on politics, the company said.
  3. Google shuts down 2,500 channels on its video sharing platform YouTube that were linked to Chinese disinformation. The channels generally posted "spammy, non-political content", but a small subset touched on politics, the company said.
