Victoria reports 725 new COVID-19 cases and 15 deaths in the last 24 hours. It is the highest number of reported cases and the deadliest day since the pandemic started in the state itself and Australia in general.
Victoria reports 725 new COVID-19 cases and 15 deaths in past 24 hours. It is the highest number of reported cases and the deadliest day since the pandemic started in the state itself and Australia in general.
Spain reports 1,772 new casesofCOVID-19 infection in thelast 24 hours,which is the highest number since nationwide state ofemergencywaslifted in June.
France reports 1,695 new cases in the last 24 hours, which is the highest number since the end of May.Theseven-day movingaveragestoodabovethe1,300thresholdforthe firsttimesincetheendofApril.
Victoria reports 725 new COVID-19cases and15deathsin the last 24 hours.It is the highest number ofreportedcasesand the deadliestday sincethepandemic started in the state itselfand Australiaingeneral.