PresidentAshraf Ghani signs an amendment allowing mother's names to appear on their child's birth certificate, after discussion on the law was delayed by the National Assembly last week. The move is seen as a "significant milestone" for women's rights, following Afghan tradition stating that using a woman's name in public brings shame on their family.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani signs an amendment allowing mother's names to appear on their child's birth certificate, after discussion on the law was delayed by the National Assembly last week.
President Ashraf Ghani signs an amendment allowing mother's names to appear on their child's birth certificate, after discussion on the law was delayed by the National Assembly last week.Themoveisseenasa"significantmilestone"forwomen'srights,followingAfghantraditionstatingthatusingawoman'snameinpublicbringsshameontheirfamily.