British Columbia reports a record 717 new cases and 11 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the provincial death toll to 310 and the total number of cases to 23,661.
British Columbia reports a record 717 new cases and 11 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the provincal death toll to 310 and active cases to 6,589, respectively.
Russia reports a record 442 new fatalities and 22,055recoveries over the past 24 hours, bringing the nationwide death toll to 33,931 and nationwide recoveries to 1.47million.
Wisconsin reports a record 92 new fatalities in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 2,741.In addition,arecord318hospitalizationsarealsoreported.
Iran reports a record 13,352 new cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the nationwidecumulative totalto 788,473cases.
BritishColumbia reports a record 717 new cases and11deathsin the last 24 hours, bringing the provincialdeathtollto310andthe total numberof casesto23,661.