Belarus reports 1,691 cases, a new single-day record, bringing the total number of cases to 133,324.
Japan reports 2,684newcasesinthepast24hours, a new single-day record sincethebeginning ofthe outbreak.inaddition,thenumber of severepatientsreaches arecordhighof440.
Mexico reports 12,081 new cases in the past 24 hours, a new single-day record since the pandemic began.
Japan reports 2,684 new cases in the past 24 hours, a new single-day record since the beginningoftheoutbreak.
Oregon reports a new single-day record of1,669cases, bringing the totalnumberofcasesto72,506.
Belarusreports1,691casesin thepast24hours, a new single-day record, bringing the total number of cases to 133,324.