The Spanish government announce the suspension of all flights from Spain to the United Kingdom beginning tomorrow, with the exception of flights for Spanish citizens residents of Spain. This comes a day after a similar suspension was announced by Portugal.
The Spanish government announce the suspension of all flights from Spain to the United Kingdom and elsewhere from tomorrow, with exception of Spanish citizens or those resident in Spain. The day before, a similar suspension had also been adopted by Portugal.
The government announce the suspension of all flights from Spain to the United Kingdom and elsewhere from tomorrow, with exception of Spanish citizens or those resident in Spain. The day before, a similar suspension had also been adopted by Portugal.
Russia announces the suspension of all flights to andfrom the United Kingdom foroneweek from midnightdue to the newvariant of the SARS-CoV-2.
Thegovernmentwilltemporarily suspend all flights fromIndiato the United Kingdom dueto emergence ofa new variant of SARS-CoV-2.Thesuspensionwillbegintomorrowat11:59pmISTandwilllastuntilDecember31.
HealthSecretarySophiaChanannouncesthatHongKongwillban all flights to and from the United Kingdom beginning tomorrowdue to the new variant of SARS-CoV-2.
Russia announces thesuspension of all flights to and from the United Kingdom foroneweekbeginning atmidnight due to the new variant of SARS-CoV-2.
TheSpanishgovernmentannounce the suspension of all flights fromSpain to the United Kingdom beginning tomorrow,withtheexceptionofflightsforSpanishcitizensresidentsofSpain.Thiscomes adayafterasimilarsuspensionwasannouncedbyPortugal.