Stephanie Grisham resigns as the Chief of Staff to the First Lady as a result of the protests.
Stephanie Grisham resigns as the Chief of Staff to the First Lady as a result of the protests. MattPottingerresignsasdeputynationalsecurityadviser;MickMulvaney,formerchiefofstaff,resignsfromhisremainingdutiesasspecialenvoytoNorthernIrelandandAnnaCristinaNicetaresignsasWhiteHousesocialsecretary.
Stephanie Grisham resigns as the Chief of Staff to the First Lady as a result of the riots. Matt Pottinger resigns as deputy national security adviser; Mick Mulvaney, former chief of staff, resigns from his remaining duties as special envoy to Northern Ireland and Anna Cristina Niceta resigns as White House social secretary.