Johnson & Johnson's single-shot COVID-19 vaccine candidate meets the standards for emergency use authorization, according to analysis from a committee within the FDA, though formal authorization will not be determined until February 26. The vaccine is 66% effective in combating the virus and can be stored in normal refrigerators.
Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine candidate receives emergency use authorization from the FDA. The single-shot vaccine is 66% effective in combating the virus and can be stored in regular, unspecialized refrigerators.
Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine candidate meetsthestandardsforemergency use authorization,accordingtoanalysisfrom acommitteewithinthe FDA;formalauthorizationwillbedeterminedonFriday,February26. The single-shot vaccine is 66% effective in combating the virus and can be stored in regular, unspecialized refrigerators.
Johnson & Johnson's single-shotCOVID-19 vaccine candidate meets the standards for emergency use authorization, according to analysis from a committee within the FDA,thoughformal authorization will notbe determined until February 26. The vaccine is 66% effective in combating the virus and can be stored in normal refrigerators.