Russia identifies the first two cases of the 501.V2 variant, which originally detected in South Africa.
ThePublicHealthEnglanddetects the first two cases of the new variantnamedP.3, which originally detected in thePhilippinesandhasdesignatedas"variantofinvestigation".
Russia identifies its first two cases of the 501.V2 variant, which wasoriginally detected in South Africa.
Delhi reports its first two cases of the 501.V2 variant, which was originally detected in South Africa.Thepatientisa33-yearoldmanfromKerala.
England reports their first two cases of the newP.3. variant, which was originally detected in thePhilippinesand hasbeendesignatedas a "variant ofinvestigation".
Russia reports its first two cases of the 501.V2 variant, which was originally detected in South Africa.