Argentina reports a record 556 deaths for a second day on a row in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide death toll to 61,176.
India reports 332,730newcasesofCOVID-19inthepast24hours,whichisaworldrecordfor the second day arowandbringsthetotalnumberofconfirmedcasesto16.26million.Thecountryalsoreportsarecord2,263deathsinthe past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide death toll to 186,920.
Cambodia reports arecord655new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, therebybringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 8,848.
Argentina reports a record forthe secondconsecutive dayof556deaths, thereby bringing the nationwide deathtoll to 61,176.
Thailand reports a record 2,070new cases of COVID-19inthepast24hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total ofconfirmedcasesto 50,183.