At least 14 people are killed during a mass shooting in a community in Vizcatán del Ene District, Peru.
Sixteen people are killed during a mass shooting in a community in Vizcatán del Ene District, Peru.TheShiningPathclaimsresponsibilityfortheattack.
Sixteen people are killed during a mass shooting in a community in Vizcatán del Ene District, Peru. Adissidentfactionofthe Shining Path is suspectedtobebehind the attack.
Sixteen people are killed during a mass shooting in a community in Vizcatán del Ene, departmentofJunín. A dissident faction of the Shining Path is suspected to be behind the attack.
Sixteen people are killed in a mass shooting in a community in Vizcatán del Ene, department of Junín. A dissident faction of the Shining Path is suspected to be behind the attack.