France sends two patrol boats, the "Athos" and "Le Themis", to Jersey in response to the British deployment of the HMS "Severn" and the HMS "Tamar" to Jersey. The dispute arose after French fishermen threatened to blockade the port of Saint Helier in protest of a new system for obtaining fishing permits.
France sends 2 patrol boats to Jersey in response to British deployment of 2 patrol boats in the island.
France sends two patrol boats, theAthosandLeThemis,toJersey in response to theBritish deployment of HMS"Severn"andHMS"Tamar"toJersey.ThedisputearoseafterFrenchfishermenthreatenedto blockadetheportofSaintHelier inprotestofanewsystemtoobtainfishingpermits.
France sends two patrol boats, the "Athos" and "Le Themis", to Jersey in response to the British deployment of HMS "Severn" and HMS "Tamar" to Jersey. The dispute arose after French fishermen threatened to blockade the port of Saint Helier in protest of a new system for obtaining fishing permits.
France sends two patrol boats, the "Athos" and "Le Themis", to Jersey in response to the British deployment of theHMS "Severn" andthe HMS "Tamar" to Jersey. The dispute arose after French fishermen threatened to blockade the port of Saint Helier in protest of a new system for obtaining fishing permits.