

2021 Peruvian general election

Peru prepares for major protests in response to the June 6 election which saw socialist candidate Pedro Castillo of Free Peru winning the presidency by a narrow margin of 44,000 votes. Presidential candidate Fujimori Keiko, who lost to Castillo in the second round, has called for several thousand votes to be blocked, largely from the rural areas, where she alleges that fraud occurred. Castillo's supporters have vowed to call for a general strike if his victory is not confirmed soon.

Sources:  Reuters


  1. Peru braces for massive protests regarding to the June 6 election which saw socialist candidate of Free Peru, Pedro Castillo, winning the presidency by narrow 44,000 votes to right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori. Fujimori has called to block votes, largely from rural areas, where she claims fraud. Castillo's supporters have vowed to call for a general strike if his victory is not confirmed soon.
  2. Peru braces for massive protests regarding the June 6 election which saw socialist candidate Pedro Castillo of Free Peru winning the presidency by a narrow margin of 44,000 votes. Presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori, who lost to Castillo in the second round, has called for several thousand votes to be blocked, largely from the rural areas, where she alleges fraud to have occurred. Castillo's supporters have vowed to call for a general strike if his victory is not confirmed soon.
  3. Peru prepares for major protests in response to the June 6 election which saw socialist candidate Pedro Castillo of Free Peru winning the presidency by a narrow margin of 44,000 votes. Presidential candidate Fujimori Keiko, who lost to Castillo in the second round, has called for several thousand votes to be blocked, largely from the rural areas, where she alleges that fraud occurred. Castillo's supporters have vowed to call for a general strike if his victory is not confirmed soon.
