Three of the assassins of Haitian PresidentJovenel Moïse, who was killed yesterday, are shot dead during a shootout with police in Port-au-Prince. Seventeen others are arrested, while six more are on the run. The attackers are identified as 26 Colombian mercenaries and two American-Haitians. The masterminds of the assassination and motive behind the assassination are unknown.
Four people suspected of being the murderers of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, who was killed yesterday, are shot dead during a shootout with police in Port-au-Prince. Two others are arrested. Three officers are hospitalized. The attackers are described as foreign mercenaries, but there are Haitians among their accomplices. Other attackers remain at large and a manhunt is still under way.
Four people suspected of being the assassins of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, who was killed yesterday, are shot dead during a shootout with police in Port-au-Prince. Six others are arrested,includinganAmericancitizen. Three officers are hospitalized. The attackers are described as foreign mercenaries, but there are believedtobeHaitians among their accomplices. Authoritiesclaimthatthere arenomoreattackers on the run, and thatthemanhunt is now under wayforthemastermindsoftheassassination.Themotivebehindtheassassinationisunknown.
Three of the assassins of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, who was killed yesterday, are shot dead during a shootout with police in Port-au-Prince. Seventeen others are arrested, while sixmore are ontherun. The attackers are identified as 26Colombian mercenaries and two American-Haitians.The masterminds of the assassination and motive behind the assassination are unknown.