

COVID-19 pandemic

Due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, Sri Lanka closes all swimming pools, shopping malls, spas, arenas, gyms, and playgrounds, restricts travel to one person from each household for essential reasons only, and also bans carnivals, beach parties and musical events.

Sources:  Economynext


  1. Due to rise of the COVID-19 infections, Sri Lanka closes swimming pools, shopping malls, spas, arenas, gyms, and playgrounds, restrict travel only for emergency reasons with only one person allowed to leave at a time, and ban carnivals, beach parties and musical events.
  2. Due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, Sri Lanka closes all swimming pools, shopping malls, spas, arenas, gyms, and playgrounds, restricts travel to one person from each household for essential reasons only, and also bans carnivals, beach parties and musical events.
