An unknown assailant throws acetone and red paint at RussianNobel Prize laureateDmitry Muratov as he traveled on a Moscow–Samara train, injuring him. A motive for the attack is unknown, but it is suspected to be a possible reaction to Muratov's opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
An unknown aissailant throws acetone and red paint on Russian Nobel Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov, injuring him. The attack's motive is unknown, but is suspected to be a possible reaction to Muratov's opposition to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
An unknown assailant throws acetone and red paint at Russian Nobel Prize laureate Dmitry MuratovashetraveledonaMoscow–Samaratrain, injuring him. Amotiveforthe attack is unknown, but itis suspected to be a possible reaction to Muratov's opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.