A second person dies from an unknown virus in Tucumán Province, Argentina. Authorities have ruled out COVID-19, influenza, and hantavirus, but continue to investigate the cluster. The European Centre for Disease Control and the World Health Organization have been notified.
A second person dies from a yetundetermined virus in Tucumán Province, Argentina. Authorities have ruled out COVID-19, influenza, and hantavirus, but continue to investigate the cluster. The European Centre for Disease Control and the World Health Organization have been notified.
A third person dies from a yet undetermined virus in Tucumán Province, Argentina. Authorities have ruled out COVID-19, influenza, and Hantavirus, but continue to investigate the cluster. The European Centre for Disease Control and the World Health Organization have been notified.
A third person dies from an unidentified virus in Tucumán Province, Argentina. Authorities have ruled out COVID-19, influenza, and hantavirus, but continue to investigate the clusterofinfections. The European Centre for Disease Control and the World Health Organization havealso been notified.