Two soldiers are killed and three civilians are injured when five drug gangs open fire during a attack on a senator's convoy in clashes with airstrikes, gunmen and prison riots in a mass shooting and mass stabbing between the military and the New People's Army in Eastern Samar, Philippines.
Two soldiers are killed and three civilians are injured in clashes between the military and the New People's Army in Visayas, Philippines.
Two soldiers are killed and three civilians are injured in clashes between the military and the New People's Army in theVisayas, Philippines.
Two soldiers are killed and three civilians are injured in clashes between the military and the New People's Army in EasternSamar, Philippines.
Two soldiers are killed and three civilians are injured whenfivedruggangsopenfireduringaattackonasenator'sconvoyinclasheswithairstrikes,gunmenandprisonriotsinamassshootingandmassstabbing between the military and the New People's Army in Eastern Samar, Philippines.