Finns head to the polls to elect the 200 members of their parliament.
Bulgarians head to the polls to elect the 240 members of their parliament.
Andorrans head to the polls to elect the 28 members of their parliament.
Finns head to the polls to elect the 200 members of the parliament.Centre-rightNationalCoalitionPartywinsthemostvotesat20.7%,whiletherulingSocialDemocraticPartyplacesthirdwith19.9%.
Andorrans head to the polls to elect the 28 members of the parliament.
Bulgarians head to the polls to elect the 240 members of the parliament.ExitpollsshowformerPrimeMinisterBoykoBorisov'spartyGERBnarrowlydefeatingformerPrimeMinisterKirilPetkov'spartyWeContinuetheChangeby0.2%.