


  1. A five-alarm fire in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States engulfs two large buildings under construction, one of which collapses. Emergency personnel rescue 15 construction workers, with two still unaccounted for.
  2. A five-alarm fire in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States engulfs two large buildings under construction, causing them to collapse. Emergency personnel rescue fifteen construction workers, with one worker reported missing and another reported killed.
  3. A five-alarm fire in SouthPark, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, engulfs two large buildings under construction, collapsing one and killing two construction workers. Emergency personnel rescue fifteen other workers, one of whom is later hospitalized. [https:--www.charlotteobserver.com-news-local-article275542751.html "(The Charlotte Observer)"]
  4. A five-alarm fire in SouthPark, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, engulfs and collapses two large buildings under construction, killing two construction workers. Emergency personnel rescue fifteen other workers, one of whom is later hospitalized.
