


  1. A joint text message traffic investigation by Financial Times, Der Spiegel and Le Monde revealed that Belgian Vlaams Belang politician Frank Creyelman accepted bribes from the Chinese intelligence service for three years to influence discussions within the European Union. He was subsequently expelled from the party.
  2. A joint text message traffic investigation by the "Financial Times", "Der Spiegel" and "Le Monde" reveals that Belgian Vlaams Belang politician Frank Creyelman accepted bribes from the Ministry of State Security for three years to influence discussions within the European Union. He was subsequently expelled from the party.
  3. A joint investigation by the "Financial Times", "Der Spiegel", and "Le Monde" reveals that Belgian Vlaams Belang politician Frank Creyelman accepted bribes from the Chinese Ministry of State Security for three years in order to influence discussions within the European Union. Creyelman was subsequently expelled from the party.
