Eight people are killed and 26 others injured in a mass shooting against a bus on the Karakoram Highway near the town of Chilas, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. [https:--www.aljazeera.com-news-2023-12-2-gunmen-kill-eight-bus-passengers-in-northern-pakistan (Al Jazeera)]Chilas bus shooting
Eight people are killed and 26 more injured as unknown gunmen open fire against a bus on the Karakoram Highway near the town of Chilas, Pakistan.
Eight people are killed and 26 others injured inamassshooting against a bus on the Karakoram Highway near the town of Chilas, Gilgit-Baltistan,Pakistan. [https:--www.aljazeera.com-news-2023-12-2-gunmen-kill-eight-bus-passengers-in-northern-pakistan(AlJazeera)]Chilasbusshooting