


  1. Ukraine claims to have sunk the Russian ship Caesar Kunikov off the coast of Katsiveli, Crimea. [https:--www.svoboda.org-a-ukraina-nanesla-udar-po-rossiyskomu-desantnomu-korablyu-tsezarj-kunikov--32818938.html ("Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty)"]
  2. Ukraine claims to have sunk the Russian ship "Caesar Kunikov" off the coast of Katsiveli, Crimea. [https:--www.svoboda.org-a-ukraina-nanesla-udar-po-rossiyskomu-desantnomu-korablyu-tsezarj-kunikov--32818938.html ("Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty)"]
  3. Ukraine claims to have sunk the Russian ship "Caesar Kunikov" off the coast of Katsiveli, Crimea. A video appears to show the vessel being struck with unmanned surface drones.
  4. Ukraine claims to have sunk the Russian ship "Tsezar Kunikov" off the coast of Katsiveli, Crimea. A video appears to show the vessel being struck with unmanned surface drones.
