


  1. South Korean soldiers fire warning shots after North Korean troops cross border, apparently in error.
  2. South Korean soldiers fire warning shots after North Korean troops cross the border, apparently in error.
  3. South Korean soldiers fire warning shots after North Korean troops cross the border, apparently in error. [https:--apnews.com-article-north-korea-south-korea-border-tensions-warning-shots-2aa0eaef30dbc5801d5e787205b577a0 (AP)] North Korea troop casualties are reported after landmine explosions in demilitarized zone. [https:--www.theguardian.com-world-article-2024-jun-18-north-korea-troop-casualties-reported-after-landmine-explosions-in-dmz "(The Guardian)"] A Kazakh opposition activist shot In Kyiv, Ukraine [https:--www.rferl.org-a-sadyqov-kazakh-opposition-activist-shot-kyiv-32997954.html (Radio Free Europe)] North Korea troop casualties are reported after landmine explosions in demilitarized zone. [https:--www.theguardian.com-world-article-2024-jun-18-north-korea-troop-casualties-reported-after-landmine-explosions-in-dmz "(The Guardian)"]
  4. South Korean soldiers fire warning shots after North Korean troops cross the demarcation line, apparently in error.
  5. South Korean soldiers fire warning shots at North Korean soldiers who crossed the Demarcation Line, apparently in error. It is the second such incident at the demarcation line in the past month.
