Belarusian PresidentAlexander Lukashenko reports that nearly one third of the Belarusian Army has been deployed along the Belarus–Ukraine border, in response to Ukraine stationing more than 120,000 troops at the border. However, Ukraine claims no movement of Belarusian troops has been observed.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko reports that nearly one third of the Belarus Army is deployed along the Belarus–Ukraine border, in response to Ukraine stationing more than 120,000 troops at the border.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko reports that nearly one third of the Belarusian Army has beendeployed along the Belarus–Ukraine border, in response to Ukraine stationing more than 120,000 troops at the border.However,UkraineclaimsnomovementofBelarusiantroopshasbeenobserved.