Iran summons the acting head of Afghanistan's embassy after saying that a visiting Afghan official disrespected the country's national anthem by not standing during a performance of the anthem, days after a similar incident occurred in Pakistan. The Afghan delegate apologizes, claiming that this was because the public performance of music is banned by the Taliban.
Iran summons the acting head of Afghanistan's embassy after saying a visiting Afghan official disrespected the country's national anthem by not standing days after a similar incident in Pakistan. The Afghan delegate apologizes, but says this was because music in public is banned by the Taliban and that they had banned the Afghan national anthem itself.
Iran summons the acting head of Afghanistan's embassy after claiming a visiting Afghan official disrespected the country's national anthem by not standing, days after a similar incident in Pakistan. The Afghan delegate apologizes, but claims this was because music in public is banned by the Taliban and that they had banned the Afghan national anthem itself.
Iran summons the acting head of Afghanistan's embassy after saying thatavisiting Afghan official disrespected the country's national anthem by not standingduringaperformanceoftheanthem, days after a similar incident occurredin Pakistan. The Afghan delegate apologizes, claiming thatthis was because thepublic performanceofmusic is banned by the Taliban.