One crew member is killed and three others are injured when a DHLBoeing 737-400Fcargo plane operated by Swiftair crashes into the ground near a residential building while approaching Vilnius Airport in Lithuania. No one on the ground is injured.
One person is killed and two others are injured when a DHL Boeing 737-400F cargo plane operated by Swiftair coming from Leipzig, Germany, crashes on a residential building while approaching Vilnius Airport in Lithuania.
One crewmember is killed and three others are injured when a DHL Boeing 737-400F cargo plane operated by Swiftair coming from Leipzig, Germany, crashes into a residential building while approaching Vilnius Airport in Lithuania.Nooneisinjuredontheground.
One crew member is killed and three others are injured when a DHL Boeing 737-400F cargo plane operated by Swiftair crashes into thegroundneararesidential building while approaching Vilnius Airport in Lithuania. No one on the groundisinjured.