At least one person is killed and five other people are shot in a mass shooting at the UPMC Memorial Hospital in West Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania, United States.
Twopeople,includinga police officer,are killed and atleastfourother people are injured in a mass shooting at the UPMC Memorial Hospital in West Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania, United States.
A69-year-oldPortugueseLinoSousa Loureirois killed and seven other people are injured in a mass stabbing attackbya37-year-oldAlgerianmanata marketin Mulhouse,France.ThestabbingisbeingtreatedasasuspectedIslamic terroristattack.
Twopeople, includinga policeofficer,are killed and seven other people are injured in a mass shooting attheUPMCMemorialHospital in WestManchesterTownship,YorkCounty,Pennsylvania,UnitedStates.