


  1. Nicola Zingaretti, the President of Lazio since 2013 and Secretary of the Democratic Party since 2019, confirmed that he has contracted the virus. [https:--www.repubblica.it-politica-2020-03-07-news-coronavirus_zingaretti_positivo_al_test-250519476- (La Repubblica)]Newly elected member of parliament, Fatemeh Rahbar, dies after contracting COVID-19. [https:--www.nst.com.my-world-world-2020-03-572595-another-iranian-mp-dies-covid-19 (Straits Times)]Malta reports its first case of coronavirus. [https:--www.reuters.com-article-us-health-coronavirus-malta-italian-girl-becomes-maltas-first-coronavirus-case-idUSKBN20U0GK?il=0 (Reuters)] A 50-year-old man is arrested for breaching quarantine and travelling to two densely populated bars in Gamagōri after testing positive for the coronavirus the day prior. He reportedly told family members he intended to spread it and bragged to bar employees that he had tested positive. [https:--www.tokyoreporter.com-japan-aichi-man-infected-with-coronavirus-goes-to-bars-to-spread-it- (Tokyo Reporter)]2020 coronavirus outbreak in Europe
  2. *Nicola Zingaretti, the President of Lazio since 2013 and Secretary of the Democratic Party since 2019, confirmed that he has contracted the virus.
