The United States Department of State approves a $1.8 billion dollar weapon sales deal with Taiwan. The weapons sales include: 11 truck-based rocket launchers made by Lockheed Martin for $436.1m (~$39.6m - launcher), 135 missiles made by Boeing for an estimated $1.008bn (~$7.5m - missile), and 6 jet external sensor pods made by Collins Aerospace for $367.2m. (~$61.2m - pod)
The United States Department of State approves a $1.8 million dollar weapon sales deal with Taiwan.
The United States Department of State approves a $1.8 billion dollar weapon sales deal with Taiwan.Theweaponssalesinclude:11truck-basedrocketlaunchersmadebyLockheedMartinfor$436.1m(~$39.6m-launcher),135missilesmadebyBoeingforanestimated$1.008bn(~$7.5m-missile),and6jetexternalsensorpodsmadebyCollinsAerospacefor$367.2m.(~$61.2m-pod)