Greece reports a record for the fourth consecutive day of 35,580 new cases of COVID-19, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 1,170,293.
Italy reports a record for the third consecutive day of 126,888 new cases of COVID-19, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 5.98million.
Italy reports a record for the third consecutive day of 126,888 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 5.98 million.
TheUnitedKingdomreports a record for the third consecutive day of 189,213 new cases of COVID-19.
Portugal reports a record for the third consecutive day of 28,659 new cases of COVID-19.ThecountryalsoreducesthemandatoryquarantineforasymptomaticpeoplewhotestpositivefromCOVID-19andhigh-riskcontactstosevendaysduetoconcernsaboutthespreadoftheOmicronvariant.
Greece reports a record for the fourth consecutive day of 35,580 new cases of COVID-19,bringing the nationwide total ofconfirmed cases to 1,170,293.