


  1. In Ottawa, seven people are arrested, more than 500 are ticketed, and sixty criminal investigations are commenced, for a number of offenses related to the truckers' protest, including violations of the Highway Traffic Act, vandalism, and smuggling petrol. [https:--www.msn.com-en-us-news-us-multiple-people-arrested-at-e2-80-98freedom-convoy-protests-in-ottawa-ar-AATzzXJ?ocid=uxbndlbing (WKRG)] Freedom Convoy 2022
  2. In Ottawa, seven people are arrested, more than 500 are ticketed, and sixty criminal investigations are commenced, for a number of offenses related to the truckers' protest, including violations of the Highway Traffic Act, vandalism, and smuggling petrol.
  3. In Ottawa, seven people are arrested, more than 500 others are ticketed, and sixty criminal investigations are commenced, for a number of offenses related to the truckers' protest, including violations of the Highway Traffic Act, vandalism, and the smuggling of gasoline.
